About the Arctic Circle Trail
Suitable for experienced long-distance hikers ONLY
The Arctic Circle Trail (ACT) is Greenland’s most famous long-distance hike and one of the oldest in the Arctic. Due to its remoteness and very limited infrastructure, it is only recommended for experienced backcountry hikers who have already undertaken several independent multi-day hikes, know how to navigate well, and know how to administer first aid.
It stretches for 160km between Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut (from icecap to ocean) and traverses the Aasivissuit – Nipisat World Heritage Site listed by UNESCO in 2018. This region has been an important Inuit hunting ground for more than 4,200 years and contains archeological evidence of both ancient residences and seasonal hunting and gathering.
Some of the large, stone cairns that identify the route date from these ancient times and it is forbidden to remove from, add to, or modify them in any way.
Whether you are hiking independently or joining a guided hiking tour of the ACT, please read this website carefully and make an honest assessment of your abilities before committing.
Note that all hikers attempt the trail at their own risk.

The trail is named for its latitude – essentially lying along the Arctic Circle itself at 66.6° N – and consists of undulating arctic tundra that gets progressively more mountainous as you approach Sisimiut and the coast. It is pristine wilderness at its best with plenty of wildlife, fresh drinking water, and a seemingly endless number of lakes.
It is also one of the most isolated treks in the world. There is no cell-phone coverage and no opportunity to purchase even a chocolate bar along its entire length. You are truly on your own out there. A real opportunity for experienced adventures to to rediscover their inner #naturebeing in the #adventurecapitalofgreenland
Although the trail may look “easy” on paper, many hikers report average speeds of around 2.5km/hr. There are several reasons for this:
- you start off carrying a heavy weight
- the trail is very narrow, often only ~30cm wide
- parts of the trail are very boggy
- there are several river crossings that can be challenging
Hikers also report that the trail gets significantly more difficult depending on the weather. Even at the height of summer, it is possible to encounter strong winds, cold rain, and snow – all of which impact perceived trail difficulty.
Two routes
In 2021 an ATV track was created between Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut that partially overlaps with the original trail. In order to preserve the solitude and silence for hikers, we are in the process of developing an alternate Southern ACT route, which is slightly longer but also enables a potential visit to one of Greenland’s small settlements a few days out from Sisimiut.
The two routes are very different. In particular, the Southern route is:
- much more physically demanding. The elevation gains and losses are much greater than on the original trail and there is no established trail to follow. You are hiking over uncompacted tundra.
- not well marked. Aside from there being no trail to follow, the existing cairns are often too widely spaced to be able to rely solely on them for navigation. You must know how to navigate with GPS (the best resolution map is not great for hiking).
- more remote. There is only one hut and you are unlikely to see other people.
While the information on this website mostly focuses on the original ACT route, it is also relevant to the Southern Route, so please read the entire website carefully. More information about the Southern Route specifically can be found at:

Hiker suitability
Due to its remoteness, the Arctic Circle Trail is not to be undertaken lightly.
Check the slideshow opposite and our fitness and experience page for more information.
Remember – all hikers undertake the ACT at their own risk and rescue is very expensive!
Even if you have the correct experience, make sure you are sufficiently prepared. There is a real risk of injury (or worse) if you are not!
Be honest in your assessment of your experience. We have limited capacity for Search & Rescue in Greenland, so please help us guard against emergencies that should never have become emergencies.