On the trail
So you’ve decided to trek the Arctic Circle Trail and that it is the right level of challenge for you. What can you expect to encounter on the trail?
This section is not designed to give a stage-by-stage account of the trail. That can be found in Paddy Dillon’s book Trekking in Greenland – Arctic Circle Trail or online at the Arctic Circle Trail guide.
This section provides more general information on what you will encounter on your ACT adventure.

Brief description of each of the main huts along the original route for the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland

Drinking water
Status of drinking water on the Arctic Circle Trail, including its purity and how much you should carry

Leave no trace
The 7 Leave No Trace guidelines as they apply to those wishing to hike the Arctic Circle Trail

The canoes
Description of the public canoes on the Arctic Circle Trail, including instructions for use and safety

Information about fishing along the Arctic Circle Trail and how to obtain a fishing license

Summary of the different types of wildlife you may spot along the Arctic Circle Trail

Plants and flora
Summary of the most common, useful plants along the Arctic Circle Trail and how to use them

Trail options
Extend your hike along the Arctic Circle Trail with these trail additions in Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut