The Arctic Circle Trail is one of the best places in Greenland for observing wildlife. You can learn a little more about each of the animals listed below on the Asimi website. Unfortunately, the site is only in Greenlandic and Danish, but can right-click on a blank section of the page and choose Translate to …. to translate to your language of preference.
Although most animals will move away or keep a wary eye on you if you get too close or make a sudden movement or loud noise, we advise you to stay at least 100m away from them. This is for the animal’s and your own safety.
The most common wildlife species along the trail are:

Musk Oxen
They may look like bison, but musk oxen are actually much more closely related to goats! They roam freely in the Arctic Circle region, mostly in herds, and can be difficult to spot if they are hidden in the vegetation (they also tend to look like large boulders).
They should not be approached under any circumstances as they may charge. If you feel uneasy, locals recommend banging two stones together to scare them off.
Reindeer / Caribou
Reindeer also roam freely in the area but are more often spotted alone. Although they are generally very peaceful creatures, it is best not to approach them.

Arctic Foxes
Arctic Foxes are generally very skittish and will keep their distance. Note, however, that they may come for your food while you are sleeping so keep it inside your tent and do not feed them under any circumstances.
Unfortunately, it is possible for them to contract the rabies virus, and there have been a few reports of rabid foxes on the trail in recent years. Be very wary if one starts to approach you, as it may have contracted the virus. If it does attack, kill it if you can, but avoid getting scratched or bitten at all costs. You should report the encounter, when and where it occurred, to police at the end of your trek.
Arctic Hares
Greenland is one of only two places in the world where you can see the Arctic Hare. It is a very large hare and, despite being white in colour, quite difficult to spot! They tend to crouch in the bushes or hide behind rocks so you’ll need to keep a sharp eye out to see them.

There are several rare and internationally important bird species in this part of Greenland. We have quite a few protected areas (RAMSAR areas) near the trail, so please respect the birds and do not disturb them.
Common water birds include the Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata), which has a tendency to laugh at you as you pass by, Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), and Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Those you spot flying are likely black ravens (Corvus corax) or one of two types of falcon. On the ground, keep a sharp eye out to spot Ptarmigan (a type of grouse) wearing their summer camouflage, or one of the smaller species like the Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), common redpolls (Acanthis flammea), or snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis).
A note about Polar Bears
Although the King of the Arctic is not typically found in this part of Greenland, there have been instances where one has appeared near the trail. Hikers should check the ACT Alerts page before setting out, and always stay alert to their surroundings.
It’s also a good idea to read Visit Greenland’s page on what to do if you encounter a polar bear. Note: this is general information for all of Greenland, including areas where it is mandatory to carry a rifle when you hike. It is currently very difficult to arrange a rifle or flares in the Arctic Circle Region.