Photography competition

ACT Photography competition

The Arctic Circle Trail (ACT) photo contest celebrates Greenland’s most famous long-distance trail and the intrepid adventurers who explore its length.

The goal is to highlight the beauty and solitude of the ACT to inspire others to embrace their Nature Being.  We are looking for great photos of trail users, as well as the unique vistas, flora and fauna of the trail. 

There will be 4 award categories:

  1. Nature Being – photos showing users on the trail, and which capture the essence of being there
  2. Trail Majesty – photos that capture the beauty of the trail 
  3. Flora & Fauna – photos of plants and animals encountered along the trail
  4. Instagram – photos submitted to Instagram with the contest hashtag

Both summer and winter images are welcome in any category.

Images will be judged on their quality, originality, uniqueness, creativeness.

By volunteering your creativity to this contest, not only do you have the chance to win prizes, but your photos become an important part of our advocacy and fundraising work on behalf of the trail.

We thank you in advance and look forward to seeing your pictures!

Timeline 2025

June 1 – Contest launch

November 17 – contest closes

December 1 – Winners contacted

December 7 – Winners announced

Selection of Arctic Circle trail photos from the photo database
Selection of Arctic Circle trail photos from the photo database

How to enter

Step 1:  Make sure your photos qualify
  • Images must be taken along the official routes (Northern or Southern) of the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland
  • Images must be in digital JPEG or TIFF format with at least 2,500 pixels on the longest edge
  • Images must have been taken on or after January 1, 2025
  • Images with identifiable people must have the permission of each person before being submitted to the competition
Step 2a: Submitting photos via Instagram
  • Share an unlimited number of images
  • Images must tag @destinationarcticcircle and include the hashtag #ACTadventure2025
  • Images must include a caption that indicates roughly where along the ACT the photo was taken (e.g. between Katiffik and Canoe Centre)
  • We will follow up with the owners of the best entries to request full size images for use on other platforms 
Step 2b: Submitting photos via email
  • Submit up to 5 images in each of the following categories: NatureBeing, Trail Majesty, Flora & Fauna
  • Images must be named in the following format: Your name – category – caption (e.g. Lisa Germany – Trail Majesty – view approaching Canoe Centre from Sisimiut)
  • Email your full-resolution images to with the subject line: ACT Photo Contest – your name.  You may need to use a file transfer site like WeTransfer if you are submitting multiple images

By entering the contest, you give us permission to use your photos (whether they win or not) for the publicity of the Arctic Circle Trail and the region in which it lies – Destination Arctic Circle. This includes use on our websites:,,,,, on our social media channels, and in other marketing and promotional material.  You retain all other rights to your photos.

Please read the rules carefully.

2024 Winners

Congratulations to the winners in each of the categories in the 2024 ACT photo comp 🎉🎉🎉

  • Nature Being: Niklas Bahn
  • Trail Majesty: Sebastian Vogg
  • Flora & Fauna: Petr Bubeníček
  • Instagram: Samantha Veen

There were more than 221 wonderful photos submitted across the different categories and it was fascinating to see the trail through your experiences.

You can see more images in the Destination Arctic Circle Photo Database.

2023 Winners

Congratulations to the winners in each of the categories in this first ever ACT photo comp 🎉🎉🎉

Nature Being: Caleb Dunstan

Trail Majesty: Dieter Demey

Flora & Fauna: Jakub Kozák

Instagram: Nicole Reinke

There were 379 wonderful photos submitted across the different categories and it was fascinating to see the trail through your experiences.

You can see more images in the Destination Arctic Circle Photo Database.